Friday, May 04, 2012

Back in da Blog

First of all, GAHHHH it's been forever again, BUT I am going to try posting fact, I may post TOO much. Why blog? Because once again I find that the larger world often doesn't have time to listen. Therefore, I listen to myself and I examine and vent and share what I want! If you're offended or it's too much ME ME ME, ye gone!

Currently, I am still the Director of Choral Activities at the University of New Orleans, the Director of Music at St. Paul's Episcopal, and I do more....a lot more! Lately, I've been stressd over going up for tenure in the fall without the observations or recordings that I need. It frustrates me, but not too badly. St. Paul's is wonderful right now and UNO is also going well.

Other reasons why I'm back to blogging include: upcoming weight loss surgery, summer travels, and the mysterious miracles of life and living... :-)

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